The client for this particular structure - Ilmor Engineering - manufactures the engines for TAG/McLaren Formula One Racing Cars. He is therefore as demanding a client as one can hope to meet, expecting and understanding quality in engineering at the highest level. The approach to the fabrication of their prestige staff restaurant block required attention to the smallest detail, in connection design, in fabrication and even in the manner of erection. The choice of Steelwork clearly had the result of reflecting the image the client is seeking to express. As seen from the photograph much of the steelwork is exposed - a clear architectural statement from a world leader in engineering.
The outstanding steelwork features of the pyramidal structure are the part-exposed tapered CHS trusses enjoined with polished stainless steel pin end connections at ground level, and the exposed CHS "purlins" in the glazed entrance foyer area.
Great care was taken with both the detailing and fabrication of exposed connections to achieve the attractive structural solution. In particular, weld details for the main pyramid lattice girders and the final paint detail were the subject of much engineering attention by Caunton
Steel's major traditional benefits of speed and flexibility in the construction are clearly supplemented here by the attributes of quality and beauty, much evident in this attractive structure.