Ellis Guilford School, Nottingham BSF

Ellis Guilford School, Nottingham BSF

Ellis Guilford School, Nottingham BSF

Nottingham’s Local Education Partnership (LEP)
Market Sector
Education, Design And Build
Multi-Storey Building
215 te
Capita Symonds Ltd
Carillion Regional building
Capita Architecture

Project Details

Nottingham’s Local Education Partnership (LEP)
Market Sector
Education, Design And Build
Multi-Storey Building
215 te
Capita Symonds Ltd
Carillion Regional building
Capita Architecture

The improvements to Nottinghamshire’s educational infrastructure carry on apace. Caunton have recently been supplying structural steelwork for yet another new school building –the Ellis Guilford School in Basford, in the outskirts of Nottingham. The project comprises a total investment of over £12million.

Client is Nottingham’s Local Education Partnership (LEP) which is a public private partnership between the council and “inspiredspaces”. This organisation,“inspiredspaces”, is a company set up by Carillion and its joint venture partners to deliver educational transformation through the government’s Building Schools for the Future programme. This is the twelfth school that the LEP has rebuilt or remodelled in Nottingham. How many of these required structural steelwork Caunton is not privy to know, but the company has supplied and erected steelwork for five of these. Ellis Guilford is following on from Bulwell (Caunton Web Site News 6.03.09), NUSA (web site news 23.2.10), Jesse Boot (18.1.10) and Elliott Durham (only a small extension) projects. Caunton is supplying over 200te of steelwork in this case, plus metal decking and precast concrete stairs, directly to Carillion.

Caunton are delighted that despite government cutbacks the Nottingham Schools programme continues successfully for the future benefit of the youth of Nottingham and the region overall.

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